Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Look, its Lindsay Lohan back in the big wide world again! Hurrah!

Fresh out of rehab, Lindsay Lohan hits up Equinox Gym to get in shape, Los Angeles, California, USA. 04/01/2011
And doesn’t she look good? Yup, rehab certainly seems to have done wonders for the Mean Girls star who was looking smiley, healthy and happy as she made her way to the gym in LA yesterday despite that legal drama which is currently looming over her.Meanwhile after finding out about Samantha Ronson’s angry reaction to the news that she was moving in next door to her, Lindsay Lohan has offered to relocate. She claims she had “no idea” that Sam lived in the house next door to her (uh-ha, yeah sure we believe you) and she added that she’d be only too pleased to move if it made her ex-girlfriend happy.
Yeah we think it kind of would, that’s kind of the point isn’t it?

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